Mikkel B. Svendsen is a strategic thinker and creative tinker enabling brands and businesses to make waves by decoding the zeitgeist.
Type Branding, Strategy, Creative Communication
How might Astrid Andersen adopt a community-driven strategy, brought to life through transmedia storytelling, to foster positive societal changes?
Samsøe Samsøe
Type Strategy, Creative Concept
How might Samsøe Samsøe extend the lifecycle of denim garments to foster a deeper connection with Gen Z and Millennials?
Træk Lige Vejret
Type Strategy, Creative Communication, Campaign
How might Psykiatrifonden use transmedia storytelling equip young people with some tools to navigate the complexity of life in an acceleration society?
The Blac Box
Type Branding
Brand identity design for The Blac Box, a start-up that enabled women of color to discover beauty- and wellness products tailored to their needs.
Type Product Design
How might the catering company able® enable office managers in heightening employee happiness, rather than simply supplying food and beverages?
Type Product Design
Helped Dixa design and co-launch a seamless messaging experience that connects customers and brands across channels and devices.
Type Product Design
Helped Linkfire design a music marketing platform that brings creators and their audiences closer through smartlinks, music discovery, and digital activations.